Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Hello, everyone! It's hard to believe that the holidays are here again. We've been in Michigan almost 6 months now and we are just getting a taste of winter. Last week, we had about 2 inches and now we are getting about 5 inches tonight. It's not so bad yet...kinda exciting because we aren't used to getting so much snow. I would be excited to get a big snowfall. I'm sure I'll be tired of it by February though. The meteorologists are predicting about 80 inches this year, which would be better than last year's 110 inches, so we will ride it out and see. John was looking for snowblowers and then just decided we would wait this winter out (and shovel) and try to get one on clearance at the end of the season.

We are looking forward to Ethan's first Christmas. John works Christmas Eve, but then will have a few days off, so we will be traveling to Missouri. It will be nice, since it will be nearly 7 months since we've been home. Ethan will also be getting baptized at our church down there. My grandma is making his baptism gown, so that will be really special.

Ethan is amazing and beautiful! He loves to cuddle (translation: wants to be held all the time). He is smiling quite a bit at Mommy, Daddy, and Lucie. He really likes to watch our faces when we talk. He is already pushing his chest off the ground and raising his head 90 degrees to look at us (not for long though). I constantly feel guilty that he doesn't get the attention that I gave Lucie, but I guess that might be every mother's plight with their second child. He is still a fussy nurser, so it is frustrating, but he was 10lbs 1 oz at his one month appointment, so he must be getting what he needs. He goes for his 2 month appointment on Tuesday (shots...yikes!).

Lucie is eager about Christmas and learning about all it's wonderful stories. I pretended to be Santa tonight on the phone (calling John's phone) and she talked to me. I don't think that she figured out it was me! Sometimes she says, "I'm going to tell Santa I don't want presents. That make him sad." She's such a stinker! Christmas has been fun so far. She helped us decorate the tree and hang stockings. She likes seeing lights on other people's houses, too.

Well, she was showing signs of wanting to toilet train, so we decided to start about 3 weeks ago. One Saturday, we went to go buy a potty seat and some underwear. We put her in the underwear and let her run around the house, taking her to the potty every hour. She had lots of accidents that day, but was eager to sit on the potty. She read lots of books and wanted to be just like the kids in the book. After that day, she hasn't had an accident since and she tells us when she wants to go! World's easiest child to far :) She's not so crazy about sitting on the potty now...the novelty has worn off, so she will hold it as long as she can. She does a pretty good job. If we tell her she will get a potty candy (a smartie), then she is more likely to go. Lucie is talking very well and has learned how to jump. She likes to bounce around. She likes to play with her friends, Avi and Faith and loves going to the library and Children's Museum.

John is doing well...but working very hard. He had 7 calls last month, so it seemed like he was gone a lot. He says he doesn't think he could willingly put himself through this again, knowing now what it's like. We are just looking forward at the light at the end of the tunnel. It is supposed to be better next year, so we will be happy to get there and see. As for me, I have been doing pretty well. Sometimes, I am not so happy being at home all the time...I feel cooped up. Ethan and Lucie keep me busy...Lucie is trying out her independent hat quite a lot. Well, hope everyone is doing well. Happy Holidays!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all the updates and pictures! I hope you two plan to continue populating the world: your kids are SO CUTE!!

Glad the potty training went well. My mom used the M&M method with us, and since then I've used it with many a kid. Pat was the one who finally potty trained Ellen; she wouldn't go for my mom!

If you're not totally overun with visits, I'll be in Jeff City for the week of Christmas. I'd love to play with Lucie again and meet Ethan, but I know you have tons of family who want to see you!

4:46 PM  

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