Friday, June 27, 2008

Epema Family Migration

Hello, Everyone! Honestly, I'd be surprised if anyone ever checked our blog, since I have been so blatantly terrible at keeping it updated! What can I say...I was a busy girl and I often have a one-track mind. I admire those who can keep everything updated while working and raising kids, too. Anyways, I have a more genuine purpose for keeping it updated...we have no moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan and are officially away from all family. So it is important to me and the family that I keep it updated.

Since I have been so bad in updating the blog, there are of course countless things to talk about. First of all, our migration (move) to Grand Rapids, Michigan. We moved on June 5th and are settling in to our new place. John and I bought our first house, which was quite an adventure. It's nice to have a place to call our own, though. We have already painted three rooms...let's say we got really bold after having to live with white walls in apartments the first five years of our marriage. We have painted green, red, and blue so far. Lucie's room will be purple most likely, but we are taking a break from painting. We like our is a four bedroom brick ranch about 10 minutes from John's work. It's in a nice quiet neighborhood, so we feel we found a good place for us. Lucie has a nice back yard to play in. In case you want to update your address books, here is our new address:

John, Stacy, Lucie, and baby Epema
3662 Taft Avenue SW
Wyoming, MI 49519

We are keeping our phone numbers the same for now...we will let you know if we change them.

I'm sure everyone knows...but in case you don't--the address said "baby" Epema. Yes, we are expecting our second child, due October 4th...we found out it is going to be a boy! We are very excited and feel very blessed. John was thrilled to know he is going to have a son :) We haven't yet put the nursery together, but it will be zoo animals again, like Lucie. We are working on stocking up on boys clothes...I have tubs and tubs of girls clothes. Who knows what God will bring us next?

Yes, John is now officially Dr. Epema. We are very proud of him and it still seems surreal. I'm sure as he starts work and wears the title more often, it will become more real. He worked really hard for it and is excited to actually get a paycheck now. He is doing his residency at Metro Health Hospital in Grand Rapids. This was his first week of orientation and so far he feels like he has a good group of people to work with. He thinks his schedule looks pretty tough though...they are going to keep him really busy.

I have decided to try staying home with Lucie and the new baby for now. I have heard that teaching jobs are nonexistent in Michigan from several people, so we will have to see what happens. I have been actually staying pretty busy going to things with Lucie. They have a Children's Museum that is awesome that I take Lucie to. Also, I go to library story hours and craft times throughout the week. We also spend time at the park. It is fun to stay at home, too, and play in our back yard. She loves playing in the sand and water table that Grandma Epema gave her.

Lucie is just amazing us everyday. She is saying three word sentences pretty frequently now, and sometimes four word sentences. She knows lots of colors and counts to 10 (rote, of course). She likes to pretend with her babies a lot. Raven is still one of her most favorite toys, as she chases her around the house nonstop. During Lucie's naptime, Raven is down for the count as well. She talks about all the family from home all the time. It's sad that we are so far away, but Lucie remembers them all very well.

Well, this post is long enough and I will be sure to keep you posted! Please give me the benefit of the doubt this time :) Hope everyone is well and we send our love! I will post a few pictures of Lucie for you to see how big she is getting!


Blogger Alice Kunce said...

I read your blog! Thanks for keeping us updated. ~alice

6:30 AM  

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